About the San Ramon Genealogical Society

The San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society (SRVGS) was formed in 1985 and currently has over 100 members. General Meetings, open to all members, guests and visitors, are held in the facilities of the Danville FamilySearch Center at Stone Valley and Smith Roads, Alamo, California (see map) from 10:00 a.m. to noon on the third Tuesday of every month (except August and December). Each meeting includes a speaker who is expert in some aspect of family research, as well as a member who shares a significant research tip. Meetings have been held on Zoom since 2019.
Our Mission:
The San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society provides a friendly, social and supportive environment through which we promote the study of Genealogy. We provide our members research assistance, educational opportunities, resources, and a forum for the exchange of information and ideas, while adhering to the highest standards of research and documentation. We serve the community through outreach programs and collaborating with other historical and genealogical organizations.
June 25, 2024

Operating Year: June 2024 - May 2025

President: Scott Hefner
1st Vice President: Karen LaDuca
2nd Vice President -Programs: Karen Olynger
3rd Vice President -Membership: Julie Basel
Recording Secretary: Margaret Goetze
Corresponding Secretary: Barbara Shapas
Treasurer: Jill M Zollinger
Other Board Members
Parliamentarian: Robert Thompson
Committee Chairs
Co - Webmaster: Bob Venter
Co - Webmaster: Bill George
Education Coordinator: Kathy Javdani
Hospitality: Susan Hanck
Library: Frances Lloyd
Membership Liaison: Barbara Shapas
Mini-Education: Frances Lloyd
Newsletter Editor: Barbara Thurston
Publicity: Steve Watty
SIG Coordinator: Bill George

History of SRVGS

The Beginning: In 1984 Jean Blackmur envisioned a genealogy group which could meet during the daytime rather than in the evenings as most of the Valley's societies did. So, notices were posted and on January 15, 1985 twenty-five interested people gathered at the old Danville Library. By February a one-page newsletter was created with a plan to hold meetings in the morning of the third Tuesday of each month (except August and December). Minutes of the May 1985 meeting record a charter membership of fifty-two persons, an approved constitution and bylaws with dues for memberships. And so the San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society was formed. The meeting place would be the old Danville Library.
The Early Years: Education seemed to be top priority. Outside speakers were asked to each meeting, knowledgeable members taught special education classes, and group visits to area libraries housing genealogical collections were planned. By the fourth meeting the group had outgrown the old Danville Library and moved into St. Timothy's Social Hall. This move turned out to be unsatisfactory and again the Society moved in 1990 into the Danville Women's Club. To offset rental fees and newsletter expenses, dues were raised and fundraisers were held on a regular basis. Once again, the Society's membership outgrew the meeting space, next finding space in the Guardian Rehabilitation Hospital general activity room. In 1999 the Society was once again looking for a meeting space due to the remodeling project at the hospital. Space at the Danville Family History Center in Alamo was offered. The members gladly accepted. Currently, our members enjoy the expertise of the Family History Center staff, its library and resources as well as the meeting and activity rooms.
Organizations and Activities: The Board of Directors is made up of seven officers. There are fifteen active committees and special interest groups. Board meetings are held monthly (except August and December). Members teach special monthly education classes. Members of the Publishing Special Interest Group wrote and published a booklet entitled Print, Publish and Preserve. This publication is of great help in organizing and publishing family histories, stories and collections. Our members support our Society and the genealogical community by serving as genealogy resource persons at local genealogy fairs and other community events. Our members also volunteer as docents at the Danville Public Library, the Heritage Collection Room at the Contra Costa County Library in Walnut Creek, and at the Family History Center in Alamo. Our members have held offices in other local and state genealogical societies, and presented workshops and programs for other organizations. Members have published family histories, diaries, records and letters as well as produced oral history and family reunion videotapes.
Knowledge & Resources: The diverse speakers and monthly education classes are evidence that the goals of our founding members are being met. The information available today compared to 1985 is astounding. Information found on the Internet can be helpful, but the real information is still found in repositories such as courthouses, church records, newspaper, state and national archives, and libraries.
We need our own genealogical society members for support. We still need other societies to lead us to records in their areas. But most of all, we need the San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society and other societies for the opportunity to educate, to learn, to serve and to preserve, and to make lasting friendships.